To assist our students in making the most of their interest in mathematics and the mathematical sciences, the Department of Mathematics offers opportunities for paid research during the Winter and Summer breaks.
The funding awards are quite similar in their goals: to help our students research areas of interest. The primary difference is the time. The winter research award covers three weeks; the summer research awards, eight weeks.
Winter Research Awards
The Department of Mathematics offers the opportunity for a student to undertake a three-week research project during the December break. The student will work with a faculty mentor in the department to develop a topic suitable to their background, interests, and available time.
Interested students should contact individual faculty for more details about projects early in the Autumn Term. Selection will be made on the basis of the student’s demonstrated ability to do the project, as well as the degree to which the project will contribute to the student’s mathematical growth.
In addition to unfunded research with our faculty, the department offers one funded research award for December: The Junod Research Award.
The Junod Research Award
The Victoria Legner Junod Prize and Mathematics Department Support Fund
For those awarded the Junod Prize, a stipend of $1250 will be provided for research during December. In addition to a public presentation of the research, the student will write a summary report at the end of the work, a copy of which will be given to the donor who supports the award.
Applications are currently being accepted for the Junod Research award until the deadline of November 6, 2023. The following mathematics faculty are available to mentor winter research this year. They and their areas of interest are as follows:
- Ole J. Forsberg:
Monte Carlo simulation; multiple comparisons; election modeling and electoral forensics
- Andrew Leahy:
history of mathematics; Lie theory; group representations
- Pedro Teixeira:
commutative algebra; algebraic geometry
To apply, you will need to submit the following by the deadline:
- an unofficial transcript
- a project proposal
- this application
The call for applications will take place in the middle of the Autumn Term. Please contact your mathematics faculty mentor for more information.
The Summer Research Awards
The Department of Mathematics also offers the opportunity for a student to undertake an eight-week research project during the summer. The student will work with a faculty mentor in the department to develop a topic suitable to his or her background, interests, and the available time.
Interested students should contact individual faculty to develop a project suitable to their background and interests. Selection will be made on the basis of the student’s demonstrated ability to do the project, as well as the degree to which the project will contribute to the student’s educational program.
In addition to unfunded research with our faculty, the department offers two funded research awards for summer: The Benedict Award and the Math Talks Award.
Math Talks Research Award
Mathematics Department Endowed Fund Student Research Award
For those receiving the Math Talks Award, a stipend of $2500 will be awarded to the student, with an additional $100 available for supplies, if needed. In addition to a public presentation of the research, the student will write a summary report at the end of the work, a copy of which will be given to the donor who supports the award.
Benedict Research Award
The Donald L. Benedict Student Research Fund
For those receiving the Benedict Award, a stipend of $2500 will be awarded to the student, with an additional $100 available for supplies, if needed. In addition to a public presentation of the research, the student will write a summary report at the end of the work, a copy of which will be given to the donor who supports the award.
Note: The Benedict Research Award is given only on even years.
Applications are currently being accepted for summer research until the deadline of May 7, 2024. The following mathematics faculty are available to mentor summer research this year. Their areas of interest are as follows:
- Ole J. Forsberg:
Monte Carlo simulation; multiple comparisons; election modeling and electoral forensics
- Andrew Leahy:
history of mathematics; Lie theory; group representations
- Pedro Teixeira:
commutative algebra; algebraic geometry
To apply, you will need to submit the following by the deadline:
- an unofficial transcript
- a project proposal
- this application
The call for applications for summer research will take place in the early Spring Term. Please contact your mathematics faculty for more information.