Knox College

Department of Mathematics

Faculty Members

Here are the faculty members in the Department of Mathematics at Knox College. All email addresses end with “”.

Mary V. Armon

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Chair of Department

E-mail: marmon

Office: SMC E-204

Campus Box K-1

Extension: x7324

Areas of study:
Number theory, analysis

Ole J. Forsberg

Associate Professor of Mathematics-Statistics

Chair of Statistics Program

E-mail: ojforsberg

Office: SMC E-212

Campus Box K-6

Extension: x7894

Areas of study:
Probability and statistics, statistical modeling, electoral forensics, Bayesian analysis

Professor Forsberg spends his time modeling elections. This includes both examining public opinion polls and testing elections for evidence of unfairness that cannot be deected with the usual in-person election monitoring. This interest has led to analyses of elections from Japan to Sri Lanka to Côte d'Ivoire.
 As a result of this interest, he also models elections using statistical techniques. The key is to understand how politicians are elected. This informs the appropriate statistical model to use.

Kevin Hastings

Rothwell Stephens Professor of Mathematics

Chair of Data Science Program

E-mail: khasting

Office: SMC E-213

Campus Box K-55

Extension: x7438

Areas of study:
Financial Mathematics, probability and statistics, operations research

Professor Hastings focuses on applications to real world problems that are affected by random inputs or disturbances. If you think about it, very little in this world can be predicted with complete certainty.
 Here is one example of the types of problems that he has worked on with students recently: 'What went wrong with the way the banks were modeling risk of loans during the recent financial crisis? Were there particular incorrect assumptions being made that were most important in leading to the disastrous concurrent defaults in the loan portfolios the banks were holding, and how might loan policies be changed to avoid such problems?' In addition to his research interests in financial mathematics, he has recently focused on the use of technology in the teaching and learning of probability, statistics, and other applied areas of mathematics

Andrew S. Leahy

Professor of Mathematics

E-mail: aleahy

Office: SMC E-211

Campus Box K-110

Extension: x7439

Areas of study:
Group representation theory, Eucidean geometry, history of mathematics

Professor Leahy’s current research centers on the historical development of mathematical ideas in calculus and modern algebra. In calculus, he has examined several mathematicians who worked in the period immediately prior to Leibnitz and Newton -- the two individuals usually credited with the discovery of calculus -- and studying their techniques for finding tangents and rectifying curves.
 In algebra, Professor Leahy studies the history of 19th century invariant theory. Invariant theory all but disappeared at the beginning of the 20th century, but was crucial in the development of commutative ring theory and representation history -- two very important branches of modern algebra. Invariant theory has also been resurrected in the modern work of Mumford and Rota.

Dennis M. Schneider

Professor of Mathematics

E-mail: dschneid

Office: SMC E-219

Campus Box K-143

Extension: x7420

Areas of study:
Real and complex analysis, functional analysis, Mathematica-based teaching of calculus

Pedro Teixeira

Associate Professor of Mathematics

E-mail: pteixeir

Office: SMC E-221

Campus Box K-114

Extension: x7749

Areas of study:
Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry